Teeth whitening for the beauty of your smile
There are several occasions in life when an elegant and attractive appearance is essential. An elegant appearance also involves a beautiful, white smile. Tooth whintening is a long-term investment, as your bright smile is like an elegant garment you can wear every day.
You can choose between more whitening options in our dentristry depending on how fast and intensive you would like to get results.
Professional whitening
Whiter teeth in 1 hour! Choose Optimadent for fast, professional results!
We can make your teeth sparkling white in an hour. ZOOM (Zoom Advanced Power) professional whitening is a treatment package preceded by the careful assessment of your teeth as well as a professional dental hygiene treatment. In the course of power bleaching a 6% hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the teeth, which is then activated by ultraviolet light.
- It is fast – a treatment only includes four 15-minute sessions of applying the UV light.
- It is efficient – your teeth may be 8 shades lighter after one treatment!
- It is safe – scientific research and clinical tests have proven that this bleaching procedure, under the supervision of a dentist, is entirely safe and does not harm the tissues of the teeth.
Sensitivity may occur during the procedure, but it will disappear in 24-48 hours after the treatment and may be further reduced by a fluoride treatment.
Bleaching discoloured root-filled teeth
Discoloured root-filled teeth are bleached using the so-called walking bleach method. The agent Opalescence Endo developed specifically for this purpose, containing 35% hydrogen peroxide, is ingested into the root-filled tooth and acts inside the teeth for 3-5 days. The agent is regularly changed during this period, until the tooth reaches the intended shade.
At home whitening
In the course of home whitening the bleaching agent is applied with the help of a well-fitted application tray to be worn at night for a duration recommended by the dentist. The easy-to-use Opalescence or Night White bleaching gel containing carbamide peroxide recommended by us is delivered in a syringe and is available in several flavours. It provides results after a few days’ usage. It is safe and efficient in removing most discolorations. Since teeth, as well as the causes of discoloration, are different, it is your dentist who will recommend you the treatment working most effectively for you and providing you with the brightest possible smile.
If you think you also deserve a brighter smile, consult your dentist. Your teeth may be whiter within a week.
Book your appointment!
Please call us on +36 1 240 6190 or fill out the online form below.